deKay's Lofi Gaming

Pilotwings Resort (3DS): COMPLETED!

With Diamond unlocked, each Diamond mission starred, and all of Free Flight done, I think I can safely say I’ve completed Pilotwings Resort. In total, I’ve spent 16 or 17 hours on it, and there’s still replay value if I wanted to go and perfect every level. Which I don’t, but thanks for asking. So much for “3 hours long”, eh, Mr Reviewer Man.

Pilotwings Resort (3DS)

So who’da thunk that the “weakest” (according to reviews) of the 4 3DS launch games I bought would turn out to be my most played? Not me, especially since I wasn’t going to buy it and any did due to a voucher that netted me it for under a tenner. Today I finally 3 starred the last few missions, having already completed free flight mode and 2+ starring all the missions. I’d considered 2 stars on each mission and all …

Pilotwings Resort (3DS)

Many people slated this a bit on the run-up to the 3DS launch, saying it was pretty and fun and everything but very short and having just one location was rubbish. Reviews suggested you’d get all of three hours fun out of it, and then want to trade it in. I bought it because I got it for £9.90, which I thought was a fair price to pay for 3 hours of 3DS game. Now, almost 10 hours in, I’m …

Completed 2011

A World of Keflings (360 01/01/2011) Sonic Adventure (360 05/01/2011) Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (360 15/01/2011) Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS 09/02/2011) Detana!! TwinBee (360 19/02/2011) TwinBee (360 27/02/2011) Red Dead Redemption (360 03/03/2011) Sonic the Hedgehog (DS 06/03/2011) Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (360 13/03/2011) X-Men (360 10/04/2011) Pilotwings Resort (3DS 10/04/2011) Metal Slug (Wii 14/04/2011) Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers (Wii 14/04/2011) Burning Fight (Wii 15/04/2011) Magician Lord (Wii 15/04/2011) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii 19/04/2011) …